1. Do not remove the battery often. Usually it is assumed that the laptop battery that will last is rarely used. Apparently the assumption is wrong. Laptop batteries such as batteries of the same nature, if rarely used will be damaged. Because the flow of electrons in the rare batteries often delayed because of the laptop battery. Should let him attached to the laptop, because there is no recommendation from the manual to remove the laptop battery. The action is often to remove the battery while operating the laptop, rather than shorten the battery life.
2. Do not let the laptop temperature is too hot or too cold. Effect of temperature of the battery. Use a laptop fan let me not be too hot. )
3. A month or two months or more, do the "Battery Refresh". Is the battery until the battery is used - completely empty laptop automatically marked sleep. Then fully charge.
4. When you have completed the activity with a laptop, not recommended shutdown. enough sleep. Shutdown mode and restarts the answer is very - very necessary to use. Because when he will turn on the laptop after shutdown, require very much power, so much energy drain on the battery. if the battery will often be short-lived. Do not equate a laptop with a PC yes. : D
5. Never use logic board cover, because the holes - the air holes around the keys - keyboard function as vents. if closed, so "hot" laptop.
6. Diligent cleaning of dust - dust in the air circulation hole in the laptop. Do not consider this a minor problem. at least a month or two months or so to check the condition of the circulation. if you do not want a fast laptop "Old".
7. Remember a good LCD, LCD using a laptop mica coatings. available a variety of sizes. To avoid stains - stains such as scratches, marks the spit splash: D: D: D. if it is not often a kind of cloth towels wiping glasses.
8. Always use an adapter and battery together if not mobile.
2. Do not let the laptop temperature is too hot or too cold. Effect of temperature of the battery. Use a laptop fan let me not be too hot. )
3. A month or two months or more, do the "Battery Refresh". Is the battery until the battery is used - completely empty laptop automatically marked sleep. Then fully charge.
4. When you have completed the activity with a laptop, not recommended shutdown. enough sleep. Shutdown mode and restarts the answer is very - very necessary to use. Because when he will turn on the laptop after shutdown, require very much power, so much energy drain on the battery. if the battery will often be short-lived. Do not equate a laptop with a PC yes. : D
5. Never use logic board cover, because the holes - the air holes around the keys - keyboard function as vents. if closed, so "hot" laptop.
6. Diligent cleaning of dust - dust in the air circulation hole in the laptop. Do not consider this a minor problem. at least a month or two months or so to check the condition of the circulation. if you do not want a fast laptop "Old".
7. Remember a good LCD, LCD using a laptop mica coatings. available a variety of sizes. To avoid stains - stains such as scratches, marks the spit splash: D: D: D. if it is not often a kind of cloth towels wiping glasses.
8. Always use an adapter and battery together if not mobile.
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