Thursday, September 8, 2011

How To Fix Your Printer


If this is a new cartridge, open the front cover and remove all cartridges. Be sure the protective film has been removed from the cartridge prior to installation. Inspect the contacts on the new cartridge for damage. Replace the cartridges in the correct place, close the front cover and power the printer down and then up again.

Printer Cannot Be Installed

If you’re trying to install a printer and it will not install, be sure to check the Device Manager in the Control Panel for any Unknown Devices. Your printer will be come an Unknown Device if you plug the cable in before installing the driver software. Remove the Unknown Device and then unplug the USB cable. Next, install the software that came with the printer, and when finished, plug the USB cable back in.

Printer Streaks

If your printer is producing a streaked image, you will need to clean the printer heads. To do this, go to Printers in the Control Panel, then right click your Printer then select Properties. A menu with the various settings will appear. You need to select Clean Printer Cartridges. The printer will run in cleaning mode.

Printer Does Not Print Jobs

When you click Print and nothing happens, you may be sending jobs to a printer that is not connected to your computer. For example, if another printer was previously installed, and you install a new printer, the old printer might still be setup as the Default Printer. Go into the Control Panel, then Printers and make sure the new printer is set to Default.

Printer Jams Frequently

If your printer jams frequently, you may be loading too much paper. This can also occur if you’ve had jams in the past and have a piece of debris still stuck in the printer. Use a flashlight to examine the entire mechanism to ensure no paper is still inside. This can also happen if an internal gear is damaged. You will often notice one side being fed faster than the other. This could me the printer is physically damaged and needs to be replaced or repaired.

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