Thursday, May 20, 2010

Detection Problems Through BIOS Beep!


When the computer is turned on, the BIOS doing the POST (power-on self test). POST is required to ensure the system functions properly and is also seeking information on any existing hardware on the computer. When BIOS detects a problem during POST, the BIOS will send an error message (error messages). 

In some cases, these problems can be detected early so that the BIOS can not access the video card and can not display the error message. 

If this happens, the BIOS will issue a sound beep that have certain patterns that match the identification error.
Sound beep when booting process after a single appearance on the monitor startup messages are normal and no failures. 'Beep' is meant here is generated during the POST procedure not yet finished and there is no any information displayed on the screen. Code 'Bip' BIOS and BIOS relies type you have. Popular is the AMI and Award BIOS. Therefore, this paper discusses only two types of such BIOS. 


1 X 
sound BIP DRAM refresh failure. Have problems accessing the system memory to merefreshnya.

2 X Combination parity failure. On the data transmitted in the computer, usually added parity bit which is used to detect and correct errors. Work carried parity circuit contained in a computer. This is probably due to a problem with memory or motherboard. 

3 X Base 64K memory failure. Base 64K memory is 64 KB of RAM memory first. This failure could be due to the memory slots are grouped into modules that have damaged the chip. 

4 X The failure of the system timer. Possibility of errors in one or more timers that are used to control functions on the motherboard. 

5 X Processor failure. Can be caused by excessive heat, or because the processor is not installed properly into the socketnya. 

6 X Failure of keyboard controller / gate A20.

7 X Processor errors. 

8 X Error read / write display memory. 

9 X Damage to the BIOS. 

10 X CMOS error. 

11 X Damage to the cache memory. 

15 X Buy New

Award prefer messages through the monitor. But there are times when video card is not working and the message is displayed using the beep code. Therefore, type in the BIOS beep code is a little more. BIOS beep codes at this as a sign Morse, combining long and short beeps. 

1 long beep

Problems with memory. Chances are that the memory is not installed properly, or too damaged memory chip. Could be related to damage to the motherboard. 

One long beep, two short beeps
Video system error. BIOS can not access the video system to write error messages to the screen. There are several possibilities, including video cards installed in the existing system of on-board video card, or use an IRQ that is already in use for the video card is causing the conflict. Alternatively, the video card is not installed properly. 

One long beep, three short beeps
Same as above, there are errors in the video. BIOS can not access the video system to display an error message to the screen.
Connect connect beep sound
Could be due to memory or video card.
There are some general guidelines that can be used for every BIOS. These general guidelines can only be used for errors detected before and during the Power On Self Test (POST). We already know the procedure performed when starting the computer is turned on, and this will be helpful in diagnosing the problem.
The first time when the computer is turned on, power supply, will send power to all components. When switched on when there is no reaction whatsoever, then check the internal power supply located on your computer. To test it, we can use LED (Light Emiting Diode) and then plug in the POWER LED connector. If the flame, it means that power supply is still good. 

Then, if all components have got enough power, the processor will work to find instructions. He will find these instructions on the ROM BIOS. For processors, the probability is that excess heat caused by overclocking or not the position perfect. For the BIOS, the odds were that the location of the BIOS chip is not perfect. 

Check the BIOS can be done on another computer. Some viruses are able to damage the BIOS program. If the POST will continue but not completed, most likely the problem is on the motherboard. For this one, there are several steps that must be done: 

If the PC will not boot at all, make sure the components are mounted low, ie processors, memory filled with appropriate video card, and a drive, and make sure all these components are properly installed. Soldered components which should not be missing. 

Remove the components that are not mandatory, such as expansion cards, external peripherals such as printers, scanners, etc., due to improper installation can cause I / O error. Then turn on the system, and try to plug one by one these cards to test it. 

Double-check the jumper settings on the motherboard. Make sure the processor type, bus speed, multiplier, and voltage jumpers. And also make sure the BIOS jumper is in the proper position.

Change the BIOS settings to the default settings to ensure the problem does not lie in excessive BIOS settings. For example by reducing the read / write memory access time and hard disk. Check all cable connections on the motherboard are correct. Check whether there are components that experienced excessive heat. If there is, change the BIOS settings and the setting is lower. 

For cases 1, 2, and 3 times a beep, try to correct the first memory position. If it still occurs, there is the possibility of corrupted memory. Replace with new memory. 

For four, five, seven and 10 times a beep, the motherboard is damaged and must be repaired or replaced. To six times a beep, try refining your keyboard controller chip position. If there are errors, replace the keyboard chip. 

8  beep indicates a memory error in the video adapter. Replace the video card.
Nine times a beep indicating the BIOS chip failure. Usually not due to a position less than perfect.
11 times a beep, replace the cache memory.
15 times a beep, replace the cell (Total:

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