Friday, May 28, 2010

vga water cooler

Dry Ice cooling is one of the cooling device capable of cooling the PC until the temperature is minus.
These last few years, overclocking began to change from a hobby into a lifestyle. This is seen particularly in some people who are interested to learn. Now this, do not overclock just to speed up the computer because the specifications old shells. Most overclockers, now overclock his computer with one goal: finding the highest speed that can be lived by the computer, even if the computer includes the most recent models. A certain satisfaction that can not be described as an overclockers will appear when the computer can run faster than any other overclocker's computer.
Healthy competition between one another overclockers and overclockers which causes an increasing number of overclocking competitions. Destination overclockers overclocking participate in the competition is already clear, wants to bring the fastest PCs! One way to be done to bring the fastest PCs are able to create a cooling device that cools the PC as cold as possible. At the beginning of overclocking competition began to emerge, coolant used is HSF (heatsink and fan) and watercooling. Now, the coolant used variations increases with dry ice cooling, cooling phase, and Liquid Nitrogen cooling. Third cooling the latter, now seemed to be a compulsory cooling overclockers if you want to bring the fastest PCs. This is because the three cooling tersebutlah that can cool the PC up to temperatures of minus. No wonder if in any discussion regarding the overclocking competition Reviewed by CHIP, dry ice cooling are often used by the winners.

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