Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Defrag utility in Windows 7

This is very good for you as a user of Windows 7 like defragging parallel (defrag your hard drive that separate the two at once) and progress reports to your computer. Defrag function is to organize and sort your files by type of hard drive files / data in such a way that will ease the process of read / write hard disk and increase the workload will be lighter.

Do Defrag at least once a month in addition to the routine is important to organize your files on your hard drive but also to prevent your hard drive is not easy error. If you are a user of Windows 7 the following way.

Click the Start menu typing cmd in the search box

Defrag utility in Windows 7

Next right click on cmd icon and click Run as administrator command prompt window will appear on this window then you type in defrag and press Enter.

Defrag utility in Windows 7

Example, if for example you want to defrag your C drive enough typing defrag / c and press Enter but if you want to defrag multiple drives just typing defrag / c / d, not with this easy you can take advantage of utility windows 7.

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