Tuesday, June 15, 2010

differences in Windows 7 64-bit with 32-bit Windows 7

When will you download the Windows 7 may have experienced a little confused, because there is Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7. So which one should be selected and matched with the laptop or computer you have? In addition you may also be a bit confused what's the difference between Windows 7 32-bit with 64-bit Windows 7

The following are some tips for choosing Windows 7 that suits you

If you frequently work with large file sizes-large and consuming lots of memory (eg video editing) course 64-bit Windows 7 will be the best choice because it will give better performance compared with Windows 7 32-bit. As we all know 64-bit Windows 7 has been supporting up to 192GB memory, while Windows 7 32-bit only 4GB for maximum performance. Another advantage of Windows 7 64-bit is in terms of security, more secure than Windows 7 32-bit, because the drivers for Windows 7 64-bit should actually certified by the maker of hardware vendors, so it is impossible to be infiltrated by malicious programs.

If you just bought a computer a computer with the newest and latest technology in general has the support and capable of running Windows 7 62-bit processor Except if you use a processor that lowend eg Laptops with Intel Atom Processor Intel Core Duo or downward. But if you use a processor Intel Core 2 Duo classmates so we can be sure that your computer is capable and can run Windows 7 64-bit version. If you are still in doubt it is better to program the Intel Processor Identification to find out if your processor has suppport Windows 7 64-bit or not.

>> What about other hardware or LAN Card Soundcard example?
See the year of manufacture of your hardware, if made after the introduction of Windows Vista (3 years back) then it can be sure the hardware is already support 64-bit Windows 7, but if your hardware are made in the years before Windows Vista comes (eg year 2004 downwards), you better check your vendor's website and the hardware makers to determine whether there is driver to support 64-bit Windows 7.

>> Does Driver for Windows 7 32-bit can be used for 64-bit Windows 7
The answer is obvious, No. Windows 7 32-bit has a different structure of 64-bit Windows 7.

>> Then what if I've already installed Windows 7 64-bit while the driver of the hardware that I have for Windows 7 32-bit?
Do not worry about using the Windows XP Mode (Virtual Mechine) in Windows 7 you can use the driver 32-bit Windows 7 even though your computer has installed 64-bit Windows 7

>> Can I run 32-bit Windows program in Windows 7 64-bit?
With the WOW technology, aka Win 32 on Win64 at Windows 7 of course, you still can run 32-bit Windows program in Windows 7 64-bit

>> Is it possible to upgrade Windows 7 32-bit to 64-bit Windows 7?
NO. To install Windows 7 64-bit from 32-bit Windows 7 you have to do a full installation can not be upgraded directly aka Windows 7 32-bit to 64-bit Windows 7.

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