Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to Remove pinned programs from the Taskbar in Windows 7

One of the great features of Windows 7 is to allow users to pin on their most frequently Some of the programs on the Taskbar Used for easy execution or running. One of the great features of Windows 7 is to allow users to pin a number of programs they are most commonly used on the Taskbar to the execution or run easily. Users, by default, Will Be Able to have a quick thumbnail preview of running programs on their Pls These mouse cursor moves over pinned programs. Users, by default, will be able to have a thumbnail preview of the program run faster when they move the mouse cursor over these programs are pinned. Generally will of users find this feature pretty useful as it enhances the accessibility to frequently Executed on their programs. Users generally will find this feature quite useful because they increase accessibility to their programs are often executed. However, there Might Be Who Are users not comfortable with this feature and want to disable it. However, there may be users who are not comfortable with this feature and want to disable it. If you are one of Them and looking for a way to disable this feature or Disallow pinned programs from showing on the taskbar, a simple configuration to the will of the Local Group Policy Editor help. If you're one of them and find a way to disable this feature or prohibit the attached program appears on the taskbar, a simple configuration to the Local Group Policy Editor will help.

To disable / enable the ABILITY of pinning a program to Windows 7 taskbar and enable / prohibit the taskbar from Displaying pinned programs, users cans go to To disable / enable pinning ability of the program to Windows 7 taskbar and enable / prohibit the taskbar from showing programs attached, the user can go to Windows 7 Local Group Policy Editor Windows 7 Local Group Policy Editor. . In the Local Group Policy Editor, go to the Users Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Start Menu and Taskbar on the left pane. In the Local Group Policy Editor, open the User Configuration -> Administrative Templates - Start Menu> and Taskbar to the left. In the right pane, users need to look for "Remove pinned programs from the taskbar." In the right pane, users need to search for "Remove pinned programs from the taskbar." Right click the item and select Edit in the shortcut menu prompted. Edit right click menu item and select the required shortcut.

In the "Remove pinned programs list from the Taskbar" configuration window prompted, users just check the "Enabled" item. In the list of programs "squeezed out of the Taskbar Remove" window configuration required, users simply check the "Enabled" item. Once users select this setting, the "pinned Programs" list will from be removed from the Taskbar. After the user selects this setting, the "pinned programs" list will be removed from the Taskbar. At The Same Time, users Can not pin programs to the taskbar any more. At the same time, users can not pin a program to the Taskbar again.

Once it is done, users just need to click "OK" to continue and close the Local Group Policy Editor Windows. Once that's done, users only need to click "OK" to continue and close the Windows Local Group Policy Editor. Users need to restart the computer to activate the setting. Users must restart the computer to activate the settings.

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