Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to speed up the booting of Windows 7

As you probably know, Windows 7 has made major improvements in boot time and response time than its predecessor Vista. You can also watch a video contest booting Windows 7 and Windows Vista that is shown by Microsoft in Hardware Engineering.

Windows 7 only takes 15-17 seconds to boot on (Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz, 1 GB RAM) and Windows Vista takes about 20 seconds. However, you can increase the boot time performance of Windows 7 & Windows Vista use this simple trick. Although you can change other settings such as service and startup, we will focus on one trick in this post.

These tips apply to users running multi-core processor with operating system Windows 7 or Windows Vista. So, follow the steps below to speed up Windows.

1. Click Start>> type msconfig in the search field.
2. Click on the Boot tab.
3. Click Advanced.

4. Check Number of proccessors and select "2" or "4" in the dropdown menu. (You can only vote if you have dual-core/quad-core).

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