Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Epson Stylus C 90


to those of you who use the printer with a particular type of Epson C90, maybe someone has never experienced such thing as blinking. Blinking on these printers usually have two types. The first is blinking because the counter has reached the maximum limit (100%). This seems counter was installed by the manufacturer one of its functions as a reminder (alarm) that the printer has reached its peak employment. 

But this does not mean we can not reinstate its value to 0%, we could reinstate the counter value that is by doing reset (clear) counters using software made by the manufacturer. I am also from the failure by the internet hehehe. Blinking of the second kind usually causes beyond the counter. For example catridge is not detected, or the hose (which uses IV) line blocking catridge, ink cartridge is empty, and others.

Several times I reset my experience of this type, the main characteristic that occurs due to the counter full of blinking when the printer is turned on, catridge does not move, the Power LED (green) and led the resume (red) turns the flame continuously. If the conditions are like that, usually because the counter is full. But when no movement could catridge usually not because of the counter but due to other factors such as described above. Simply, for the Epson C90 Reset counter absolute terms we have to have software reseternya, oh yes for those who have not had a driver can be downloaded here. If you do not already have it you can download it (before running the software, do not forget to change the date format on the PC it became July 11, 1997) here.

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