You can drag and drop windows to the side of the screen with your mouse, or drag up to maximize the window. However, with a keyboard shortcut, you can be faster. Press the [Windows] + [Left Arrow] and [Windows] + [Right Arrow] to move the window toedge of the left and right of the screen .
Press the [Windows] + [Up Arrow] and [Windows] + [Down Arrow] to maximize, and restore / minimize windows. Press the [Windows] + M to minimize all the open windows. Press the [Alt] + [Up Arrow], [Alt] + [Left Arrow], [Alt] + [Right Arrow] to navigate to the parent folder or browse the Back and Forward in Windows Explorer. Press the [Windows] + [Home] to minimize / restore all windows except the active window. Press the [Alt] + [Windows] to access the Jump List program to the "#" on the taskbar.
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