Wednesday, June 22, 2011


High Quality Printing:
• New ISO / IEC 24734 standard for print speed
• ISO Standard print speed (ESAT): approx. 7.0ipm mono / approx. 4.8ipm colour
• 2pl (min.) ink droplets and 4800 x 1200dpi (max.) resolution
• Hybrid system – pigment black ink ensures sharp black text and lines even when printed over an image

Quality Comes Faster:
• 4 x 6" (4R) borderless photo in approx. 55secs.
• Capable of printing borderless photos up to A4 size

Memories That Won't Fade:
• ChromaLife 100+ technology – photos can last up to 100 years

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to speed up computer performance

The first is to speed up the desktop, try to notice if a lot buddy icons must rada slow right? so quick as a flash how to click open the Run window Windows + R let cepetnya then type "regedit" without quotes, then look for:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
Later on:

MenuShowDelay buddy replace with the number 0
HungAppTimeout replace with the number 100
AutoEndTasks replace with number 1
WaitToKillAppTimeout replace with the number 100

if it had closed the windows registry and do the refresh.

The second step into the System Properties how to click start then select My Computer and right click select Properties.

Next select the Advanced tab in the tab there are three buttons select the performance settings then select Adjust For Best Performance, then click Apply.

After clicking Apply'd wait a while if it had windows buddy turns into windows classic will leave first. Click the Advanced tab and click change next to it,

In this section to change the Virtual Memory which is the space to assist the performance of memory called RAM in the original or this setting will use the hard disk space.

In the sub menu fill custome Size column on the initial size "MB" for example if my friend 1G = 1000MB RAM multiply 2 = 2000MB and then at the maximum field size "MB" multiply by 2 again so 2000MB 4000MB x 2 so for the example above, I happen to use 2046MB of RAM , if it is click on the set and click OK.

Back to the System Properties still on the Advanced tab select your Startup and Recovery,
there are two columns containing the number 30 change the value to 3 as in the example above then remove the checkmark in the Automatically restart and then click OK.

If you have please mate mate to replace the original display windows, which was still in the display windows classic, windows themes How replace them know?


Tweaking Windows For Speeding Computer

At this time the ESC-creation will discuss how to speed up computer performance that we have so that the performance is better with a little tweaking and modifications on the setting of our Windows computers. This helps to speed up computer performance that you might think we are still sluggish as if we're still using a PC Pentium III or equivalent Pentium 4.

By applying the modifications, optimiser, seeting Tweaking the Registry in Windows then this will optimize the work of the Computer in order to work faster than ever.

Optimizing Windows, follow these steps to speed up computer performance:

A. Turn off some features of the Start Up.

This will speed up loading of Windows at boot time or the first time we turn on the computer.

* Go to the menu RUN>>> Typing MSCONFIG>> OK>> Select the Start Up>> Remove all the check mark in the Start-up except Anti virus program
* Click Menu service>> Remove the check mark on the Automatic Updates
* After that>>> aplly>>> Ok

This requires a restart of Windows, then there is the Windows Message and select dont show this message again. Then go to the Windows Registry Optimization below.

B. Optimization In Registry

Change the Windows Registry in the following sections.

 * Find MENU SHOW DELAY>> Doble click and change the value data to 10
 * Find Hung-UP TIME OUT>> Doble Click fox dataya value to 5
 * MY COMPUTER>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SYSTEM>> CURRENT CONTROL Sets> Control>> session MANAGER>> MEMORY MANAGEMENT>> DISABLE paging EXCecutive>> Change Value data to 1

C. Optimize Virtual Memory

* Go to Control Panel>> System>> Advanced>> Performance Settings>>> Select Custom>> Cawang on: "Use Drop Shadow For Icon labels on the desktop" and "Use visual styles on windows and buttons" and then aplly.

* In the advanced menu>>> Virtual memory>> Change>> click on drive c: Windows>> Select Custom Size>> Change Value on Initial size and Maximum Size 2-fold from the previous value eg 256 to 512 foxes, 512 foxes 1000 ) or you can change your own home is greater than the previous value, then click Ok.

Above tweaking and modifications intended to optimize and speed up the process of working a program or software. And to prevent the warning / warning Virtual memory too low when running heavy programs such as Adobe Photoshob yag, Corel Draw, Adobe Premiere, Pinacle and other heavy programs that require a large virtual memory. And also this is to support Memory Ram is so small that it can still be used to run programs such weight.

When finished restart your computer then Performance Computer Performance and you will be faster than before. Good luck.

How to Speed ​​up Computer Performance

The computer is an object that can perform various types of activities and can simplify your job. Now the PC is one thing that must be owned by any person as a result of such rapid technological development in the modern era like today. If the PC or laptop that you have felt so heavy and slow, you will be upset right?
Therefore now I will give you Tips and Tricks on How to Speed ​​up Computer Performance:

    * Note Visual Graphic
Effect of computer graphics visual effects you often burdensome your PC computer's performance. Therefore you must choose between the importance of visual graphics / display of your computer, or more concerned with the quality and performance of your PC computer. How? Follow the steps as follows:
Right-click the My Computer icon -> Right Click -> Properties -> (Tab) Advance -> (Performance -> Settings) -> Visual Effects
Well there's no choice between the concerned image quality or performance of a PC, you just choose your priority. Or you can select your own in the custom menu, just check / uncheck the options you in accordance with the wishes and needs.

* Avoid Programs Not Useful
Often you only install the program to meet the contents of your computer. Though more and more programs on your computer hard drive will be more fully then. And the more the contents of the hard drive is in use then your computer will run slower anyway. Therefore, I suggest you to:
- Uninstall programs that are not usefulHere's how: Control Panel -> Add or Remove ProgramsWell there will be seen where programs often do you use and which ones are not. Should be for programs that you rarely use it on just delete from your PC computer.
- Perform Disk CleanupDisk Cleanup This will clean up old files that are no longer needed so you can save disk space.Here's how: My Computer -> C: (according to the hard drive that you want to clean) -> Right Click -> Properties -> Disk Cleanup
- Defragment hard disk PeriodicDefragment the hard drive can also be cleaned from the data useless. So if you do this will add to defragment your hard drive free hard drive spac penyimpananan.Here's how: My Computer -> C: (according to the hard drive that you want to clean) -> Right Click -> Properties -> (tab) Tools -> Defragment Now

* Doing Tweaking with Software
Many software are available that can improve the performance of your computer. Among Tune Up Utilities, CCleaner, RegCleaner and much more. Tools-tools that can also clean your registry of errors / Error. You can search the software - the software on google and indowebster.

* Optimize Virtual Memory
How:My Computer -> Right Click -> Properties -> (Tab) Advance -> (Performance -> Settings) -> Advanced -> (Virtual Memory -> Change)Well there is the size of your custom content there as it is in Reccomended

* Start Up Turn off some features that are not useful
* Start Menu -> Run -> typed msconfig -> OK / Enter -> Select the Start Up>> Remove all the check in the Start-up except Anti virus program* Click the service menu -> Uncheck the Automatic Updates* Then press Apply and OK

Well hopefully the above tips and tricks can help you to accelerate the performance of your computer

Tips Windows 7, Access Files Faster

NTFS is a file system operating system built with the foundation of NT. Because Windows 7 uses the kernel, or core of the OS Windows NT, the operating system also supports NTFS.

Well, as an OS that can use the NTFS file system, it requires a functioning cache holds information about files contained in a folder. Like what do they work? When you open a folder for the first time, Windows will read and collect detailed information about the folder that you open it in a cache. This information will then be used if you open the same folder at a later time so that the process will be faster.

windows 7

By enlarging the cache is, of course, the speed of your Windows to read a folder will also rise. To do so, practice the following steps.

1. Run the Registry Editor via the "Start" menu, and type: regedt32.
2. Go to the sub key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SYSTEM-CurrentControlSet-Control-FileSystem.
3. In sub-key "FileSystem", click the right mouse button on the right window, then click "New> DWORD (32 bit) Value".
4. Name the new DWORD Value with the name "NtfsMftZone Reservation. "
5. Right-click DWORD Value NtfsMftZone this Reservation, then select "Modify".
6. Fill in the Value Data is requested with the value 2.
7. Press "OK", close the Registry Editor window, then restart the PC.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Speed ​​Up Windows 7 Simple Ways

How do I speed up Windows 7? That is a question frequently asked by users of earlier Windows operating system 7. But behind the question from me, if windows 7 is not quite fast with a minimum of 2GB of memory and processor core 2 duo? It seems we are never satisfied with the speed of the computer. 

 There are many ways to add speed windows 7, there is a through regedit settings, through the startup settings, settings and other gpedit. In this article I will try to give you 3 simple steps to speed up Windows 7 for beginners class in learning the computer.NOTE: if you're still a beginner in tinkering with regedit, regedit backup first before you perform the following test.How to backup regedit;

1. Click [Start] then type [regedit] in the search box
2. From the Windows Registry click [Computer] is usually the very top
3. After that, click [File] and select [Export]
4. In the new window give a name and save your regedit backup in place that you will remember.
5. Click [Save] and close the regedit window.
Speed ​​up booting Windows 7Step by step;

1. Click [Start] then type [msconfig] in the Search box and press [Enter]
2. Select and click on the tab [Boot]
3. Click the [Advanced Options ...]
4. In the window [Boot Advance options] check [Number of proccessors] and select 2 or 4 of    dropdowsn menu (but you can only choose it if you use dual-core processor or quad-core).
5. Process completed
Accelerating the Taskbar Thumbnails Preview

1. Click [Start] then type [regedit] in the search box.
2. Once the window open regedit, go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelMouse
3. Double-click on [MouseHoverTime] and change the value to 100 or smaller
4. Click [Ok], then close the regedit window.
5. Now, thumbnail previews you will emerge more quickly.
Accelerate Shutdown Windows 7

1. Please open the registry editor by typing [regedit] in the search box and press [Enter]
2. Go to: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl]
3. Double click on the words [WaitToKillServiceTimeOut]
4. The default value is usually the equivalent of 12 000 to 12 seconds. Change nilanya be between    5000-7000. Do not be too small because it could mean coercion.
Good racing with windows 7 !