Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tips Windows 7, Access Files Faster

NTFS is a file system operating system built with the foundation of NT. Because Windows 7 uses the kernel, or core of the OS Windows NT, the operating system also supports NTFS.

Well, as an OS that can use the NTFS file system, it requires a functioning cache holds information about files contained in a folder. Like what do they work? When you open a folder for the first time, Windows will read and collect detailed information about the folder that you open it in a cache. This information will then be used if you open the same folder at a later time so that the process will be faster.

windows 7

By enlarging the cache is, of course, the speed of your Windows to read a folder will also rise. To do so, practice the following steps.

1. Run the Registry Editor via the "Start" menu, and type: regedt32.
2. Go to the sub key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SYSTEM-CurrentControlSet-Control-FileSystem.
3. In sub-key "FileSystem", click the right mouse button on the right window, then click "New> DWORD (32 bit) Value".
4. Name the new DWORD Value with the name "NtfsMftZone Reservation. "
5. Right-click DWORD Value NtfsMftZone this Reservation, then select "Modify".
6. Fill in the Value Data is requested with the value 2.
7. Press "OK", close the Registry Editor window, then restart the PC.

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