Friday, July 29, 2011

15 Easy Ways to Take Care Laptop Batteries

For those of you who have high mobility, a laptop would be one of the gadgets you use. Kadan there is something uncomfortable on the laptop, the problem with the battery. These are tips and tricks and how easy caring for your favorite laptop battery. Here are 15 easy ways to do it:
1. Perform Defrag The PeriodicHard drives that work with when work orders are given little will be stored in the drive and battery. This must be stopped because it will make the battery becomes exhausted quickly. To make your hard drive as efficiently as possible then it should be done regularly defrag
2. Dim ScreenMany laptops come with the ability to dim the screen so the battery can be durable. Some come with the ability to modify CPU and cooling mode. Suppress the excessive use of batteries can be done through this way
3. Reduce External DevicesUSB devices like mouse, flash drive, wifi and an external device or other input from the outside can quickly drain your laptop battery. Unplug or disable if external device is unused
4. Adding RAMThis allows you to run more processes with the memory your laptop, instead of relying on virtual memory. The results of the virtual memory uses hard drives, and much less power efficient. It should be noted that adding RAM will consume more energy, so this is an efficient way if you want to run memory intensive programs which actually require heavy usage of virtual memory
5. Run the Hard Drive No CD / DVDAs like the hard drive that requires a lot of power, CD and DVD drives are worse. Even having one in the drive can consume excessive power in the battery. CD and DVD spins, becomes like a hard drive that requires a great power even when they are not active for use. Wherever possible, try to run this process with virtual drives using programs like Alcohol 120% and daemon tools instead of the optical
6. Keeping Contacts Clean Batteries KeepClean your battery's metal contacts every couple of months with a cloth moistened with alcohol. This will make the transfer of power from your battery more efficient
7. Reducing program acting on the BackgroundItunes, Desktop Search, and so forth, all this can increase the CPU load and drain the battery faster. Shut down everything that is not essential to create long-lasting battery
Beri peringkat terjemahan
8. Caring for the Battery The Periodic
Do not leave a charged battery dormant for long periods of time. Once charged, you should at least use the battery at least once every two or three weeks. Do not allow Li-On battery completely removed (the release is only for older batteries with memory effects)

9. Use Hibernate mode, Do not Stand By
Although set up the laptop in stand-by mode to save some power and you can immediately use it after you leave, this does not save as much as the hibernate function. Hibernate on the circumstances, the computer will keep your PC and perform perfectly Shut Down

10. Maintain Optimal Fixed Temperature
Your laptop operates more efficiently when it is cold. Cleaning the air vents of your laptop with a clean cloth or keyboard cleaner

11. Organize And Optimize Your Power of Choice
In "Power Options" in the Control Panel window and set it up so that power usage is optimized (select "Max Battery" for maximum effect)

12. Do Processing Command Overstated
Make the process in one application. Do not open the application because it would make too much of your laptop battery run out quickly

13. Note the number of Demand Process On PC
More and more requests from your PC. Passive activities such as e-mail and Word Processing consume much less power than gaming or from a DVD. If you have a single battery charge - pick your priorities wisely

14. autosave function
Ms Word and Excel have an auto save function (automatic storage) but this causes the battery drained faster. At the time of the battery is running low disable the auto save to the laptop and not drop dead of a sudden that makes the laptop easily damaged

15. lowering Graphics
Lowering the graphics used. You can do this by changing the screen resolution and graphics drivers off the excess.

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