Thursday, September 8, 2011

9 tips to fix the printer


This time I will give you an easy way to improve printer. These ways I got from my personal experience that has proven efficacious

Here I emphasize is the model of printer ink disposable catride (usually brand HP). Usually fast printer like this at all damaged in the use of its cartridges. Well I would love to know how to fix catride printer. Although it should catride when it runs out it should buy a new one. But if you can still be repaired why buy a new one

Well for 9 tips on fixing this printer please read my next article. Hopefully my writing is beneficial to the reading.

9 tips to improve your printer:

1. Refill, refill ink might try just running out and you do not fill it

2. Remove and clean all parts catride, maybe you just catride dirty and so catride not functioning properly

3. Wipe with a tissue, if the ink had filled out and not come out, then wipe it with a tissue on the bottom place out of ink until the ink out. If the ink was not even out then see how the next.

4. Use warm water, if catridenya ink stuck in spending (not out of ink during operation). Normally only dry because it has not been worn but still quite a lot of ink. Wipe the bottom catride with warm water

5. Use of alcohol, when the warm water fails

6. Wrap with tissue, are less successful if the first way (usually ink had run out and you forgot to fill it) after wrapped let stand for 1-2 days. Remember tissue must actually touch the bottom where the ink discharge.

7. Shake from top to bottom. If the way before too long, shake it a bit harder then see if it's out of ink, if it is clean with a tissue

8. Give the air pressure. If the way previously not been successful. Charging ink from the hole you just give us the air pressures are strong enough, you can blow it if you have a large air pressure: D

Pray, is the most effective way after all a try.

Usually I do after trying it we must pray and wait a day, usually better

Well hopefully these nine helpful tips on fixing printers. Welcome to try it at home

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