Thursday, September 8, 2011

How To Overcome Blinking On Epson TX111 Printer


There may be a Buddy who uses Epson TX111, and there happens to this day I am a new customer to buy a printer Epson TX111 is already in modif. For my friend and new customers who bought this Epson Printer series please scrutiny may be useful later on when the printer is having problems Epson TX111 Blinking  

 Blinking Epson TX111 Service Method:

1. Blink on paper drawings

If blinking on paper means the paper can not enter or commonly called a paper jam. This damage is usually caused by rubber paper loading (for whatever it's called) was already weak or there is something uncomfortable about the way the paper.
- If a lump try to manually turn the paper laid on paper tray.
- If rubber loading paper already weak replace it with a new or semi-circle around the rubber

2. Blink on ink drawings

Ink reset request. The first way of changing the designated catrid problematic, a second way into the printer driver, right click click properties click the printing preferences click catrid replacement ink maintenance click. catrid wait until the position can be removed / taken. then take catrid designated problem or take it all wait a while and then plug it back and forward commands provided in the ink replacement catrid earlier. hopefully've no error anymore

3. Blink on paper and ink drawing

Initially the movement was normal normal printer. but at warmingup scaner suddenly the sound track track track track continues then blink of paper and ink drawing. This occurs because the scanner was weak and was unable to read the sensor so immediately wrote replace with new (price scanernya probably wrote about 300 thousands if not mistaken) or search for a cannibal.

may be useful

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