Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Reset Canon IP2770 with Error 5200

This time, I will try sharing on How to Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5200. IP 2770 is a new printer, and I also at the first time get error 5200 on canon iP2770. Want to know how ...?

Early Indication:
When the iP2770 is turned on, the printer looks normal with GREEN LED on. But when ordered to print, then the 5200 on iP2770 error will appear, and the LED will blinking 8x green 1x orange.

 How To Reset Canon IP2770 Error 5200 :

  1. The printer is off and plugged the power cord.
  2. Press the RESUME button two seconds,
  3. then press the POWER button until the green light flame ( while pressing the POWER button, don't released RESUME button )
  4. Then release the Resume button, but do not release the POWER button.
  5. POWER button while still pressed, press the Resume button 5 times. Led will flash alternately orange glow green with the last orange. (not to mistaken 4x because the printer will be totally dead, but it is temporary as well) Then ...
  6. Release both buttons simultaneously.
  7. Led will blink briefly and then will glow GREEN.
  8. And the computer will detect new hardware, just ignore ...
  9. Press the POWER button, then the printer will off.
  10. Press the POWER button again then the printer will on and ... PRINTER iP2770 is ready to use.
Other way on How To Reset Canon iP2770 error 5200 :
  1. Turn the printer, and printer will look normal.
  2. Run the printer for printing a document or a print test, then the 5200 error will appear.
  3. Directly unplug the power cord without pressing on/off button
  4. Open it and slide it into the middle of its cartridges manually
  5. Unplug all cartridges and leave the lid open
  6. Turn on the printer, head carriage will move left and right because the lid is still open and will stop in the middle.
  7. Replace the cartridge, and close the right
  8. The printer will return to normal.

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