Friday, October 14, 2011


Hard drive is the primary data storage hardware on the computer. Without a hard drive, the computer can not be used secera optimal, because it looks just the writings of black and white.

Hard disk is a sensitive hardware. There are several things that cause damage to the hard drive. But the worst was the sudden death of the flow of electricity, namely:

1. Lights off. The solution is to use a special adapter that can store electricity for a few minutes. So when the lights going off, the computer still on and there was a chance to turn off the computer safely.

2. Resset. As people think that pressing the button on the CPU resset is a small thing, but this is very dangerous to drive. The reason Katika needle hard drive is working, then the position was in the middle of the disc drive. And if we press the button resset, then the needle will be simultaneously moved to the edge of the disc and leave scratch marks then there badsector. Therefore, do not carelessly pressing the resset.

Tips just in case the computer hangs and there is no other way than pressing the resset. Wait until the hard drive (usually red) to die, even though their flames flickering, press the button when the lights resset hard drive is dead / not lit.

Hopefully this article useful.

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