Thursday, May 20, 2010

Booting in Windows / Linux that is locked

Forgot your password operating system? do not worry, use the Kon-Boot Bootable CD. Kon-Boot can be run through a CD or Floppy Drive. The advantage of this software is able to bypass the password from the Operating System without having to type the password. other than a very small size which is around 110 KB when on Bootable CD made Kon-Boot is capable of working in multiple operating systems
Windows version: 

- Windows Server 2008 Standard SP2 (v.275)
- Windows Vista Business SP0/Ultimate SP1/Ultimate SP0 
- Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 
- Windows XP / XP SP1/XP SP2SP3 even- Windows 7

Linux version: 

- Gentoo 2.6.24-gentoo-r5 
- Ubuntu 
- Debian 2.6.18-6-6861
 - Fedora

floppy image [url] [/ url]CD-ISO [url] [/ url]

note: use it wisely, do not use on someone else's computer without the owner's knowledge.

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