Tuesday, May 25, 2010

problems on a computer screen and solutions

1. Images on the monitor disrupted and changed color.
Solution: Make sure the monitor connection to the PC no problem. Note also the position of the speakers, whether too close to the monitor? Therefore, the monitor is very sensitive to electro-magnetic field effect, especially TV, Radio, Fridge, and others. Mobile phones also include the cause loh.

2. Monitor turns itself off
Solutions: Try checking the settings on the screen saver. Who knew you mengestnya too fast (eg 1 minute). Also check the power outlet and the monitor cable to the PC. Make sure it is plugged in correctly and strong. Check the graphics card driver through the display properties dialog. Just right-click an empty area of the desktop, then select [Properties], then that dialog box opens. Try to match its driver graphics card you use. Open the Control Panel too. Then click on [System] [Device Manager] [Display adapter].

3. Images on the monitor appear broken
Solution: broken image problems usually associated with graphics cards. Monitor settings and memory. It's possible your graphics card is not enough to run high-resolution program. For example play the latest 3D games. Replace with a better, with greater memory capacity. Monitor settings also affect image smoothness.

4. Monitor screen black / blank account after setting display properties.
Solution: setting strongly associated with the ability to display graphics card. Moreover, if set to a larger screen area, this problem will not occur. Should set the monitor to resousi commensurate with your existing graphics card. After that, check it also can achieve the maximum setting the monitor.

5. Opaque screen.
Solution: Monitor blur / blur caused by the brightness and contrast settings that do not fit. Set to raise the numbers. If not too successfully, it may be the age of your monitor is too old. Changes in the color becomes opaque due to damage to the video amplifier circuit. Usually the image will appear clear when the PC is turned on, but after a long time will be blurry. Detect connection speed with the video raster board amplifier board.

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