Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tips on caring Harddrive

 Use of Computers that are too long without the care of the owner may adversely affect the performance of komputer.liat how to improve computer performance
One that might cause your computer performance is the hard drive. we all know, hard drives have a very important role in terms of data storage.
All data is critical data stored in the hard drive inside the computer. we will be very loss if one day your hard drive becomes corrupted and have not had time .. backup your important data so that data will disappear suddenly. actually there is a program that can be used to restore the lost data.
Although there is already software that can restore the data that has been erased, but it would be nice if we had been prevented from the beginning so that the first such event will not happen .. as the saying goes, an umbrella ready before the rains ..
The way the way we do to prevent it is to perform maintenance on the hard drive .. as for how the following
1.Installlah an antivirus to protect against future if there are viruses that attack and destroy your data .. if can be regularly updated antivirusnya .. see here a list of the latest anti-virus
2. always make backup data important.
3. Use Scandisk to check whether there batsector in the hard disk.
4. Defragment always do two weeks of data in the hard disk so that data is always organized.
5. Use a third-party software to clean junk files, duplicate files, and recycle byn .. you can use the System Cleaner
6. Do not be too often revoked and put back into the CPU hard disk drive .. because very sensitiv.jika exposed to shocks, then the data in the hard drive endangered missing data.
7. Do not store too much data. mean not to free hard drive until a few kylobyte .. but give little space to hard disk is not too congested at least reserving about 20 MB .. if you use Windows OS will usually appear a warning if our hard drive is too full.
8. uninstall programs that are not useful in order not to burden the hard drive
9. Use a UPS or Stavolt .. The point, if we use the UPS is if when we're using a computer suddenly the power goes out, the computer will not immediately die. so we can save the new data was muted. A computer that suddenly die without at first shutdown will create a fast hard disk is damaged.
10. adequate ventilation .. do not put the CPU in place is too crowded or narrow because it can make the air .. can not get out so that a disk becomes hot quickly. So better choose the CPU that has many fans and put in place a somewhat broad ..
10 tips for caring for such a short drive .. Hopefully after reading these tips you can live a long drive and not easily damaged

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