Saturday, May 29, 2010

11 Benefits of Windows 7

The following are 11 features that can be advantages in Windows 7,

Windows Taskbar is updated
Taskbar in Windows 7 makes it easy to control and helps to access programs and files you need faster. Any existing Windows taskbar can be viewed in full when the mouse is directed to these windows. With a size larger icons make it easy to click with windows or with multi-touch features of Windows 7. Programs and files that are often used can be easily placed in the taskbar for faster access.

Jump List
Jump lists every program in the start menu and Windows taskbar in search of something easier. Automatically compiled based on the most recent and frequently opened so that less time is needed to find your favorite song, or a new file is done.

Snap, Shake, Peek
Programs and files that are often used can be accessed easily without a messy desktop. With the peek, point to the lower right muse taskbar and all windows open toward the lebuh far to measure the re-(re-size) windows, so that two windows can be open on the left side of the kana and simultaneously, to make comparisons.
With the shake, click one of the windows and shake the mouse untu lauin minimized windows are open.

Windows Touch
The touch screen feature has been incorporated into Windows 7 and is available on a PC with touch screen. With the touch screen feature, images can be enlarged by placing both hands. Browsing Interner Explorer 8 also will more easily premises of this feature.

Home Group
Home Group in Windows 7 makes sharing files transfer PC da n devices in the home easier. Through the Home Group, PC with IWndows 7 can automatically connect with the power management and eat it.

Fastern on, Fastern off
Users of Windows 7 will benefit from increased performance start time (start-ups), resume and shut off (shut dows) PC faster and improve power management.

Windows Live Essentials
Community and the various services is one important thing. In Windows 7, features in previous versions of Windows will be provided free of charge via the Windows Live Essentials programs. Users can access data offline and do things to photos, videos and other things.

Internet Explorer 8
Surfing in cyberspace with IE 8 more matap by adjusting the purposes of its use through an increase in speed, and smart screen filte, which membabtu PC remains safe by telling the site that has the potential danger.

Windows Search
This feature can identify the location and open any file on your PC from the start menu by typing only one or two sentences.

Web slices
This is the latest features in Windows 7 where the user can cut the target from a site that was placed in the toolbar of Internet Explorer 8 for easy reference and quick.

Parental control
Helping set the specific time and determine the programs, websites and games that are allowed to access the children.

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