Saturday, May 29, 2010

Facilities on windows 7

Aero is an interface of Windows 7 that makes your visual interaction with the desktop fun and easy.
Aero Peek makes your open windows transparent so you can view your desktop. It also allows you to peek at the items on your taskbar thumbnail preview.
Aero Snap is a quick way to resize the window to make them more readable, organized and compared.
Aero Flip allows you to view all open windows of the main window or the 3D view you can go back and forth.
Aero Shake allows you to take your mouse and you just shook the windows open if you just want to focus on that and another window will disappear.

Windows 7 taskbar more convenient to use with a larger view and easier access.
List allows you to jump right clicking on an icon in the taskbar and immediate access to items such as music, video or web pages you use regularly.
Pin allows you to put programs on the taskbar and rearrange the icons you want.
Action Center allows you to control and pop-ups warning you received about the maintenance and security.

As soon as you start typing in the Search bar from the Start Menu you will immediately see a list of relevant options are grouped by categories and key words highlighted text. This allows you to easily search for documents, music, images and emails that you are looking for.

Libraries allow you to organize files in one place so they are easily searchable and accessible. Windows 7 has four default Libraries documents, music, pictures and videos, but you can customize and create your own Libraries based on your needs.

You can select or download a gadget like a slide show, calendar or weather updates to be added to your Desktop. Direct updates some gadgets such as weather, stocks and news feeds.

Device Stage
When you plug the device into your computer, such as camera, mobile phone or flash drive, a window will open with a menu of popular tasks, status information and choices for your device.

Windows Live Essentials
Windows Live Essentials is a free software that increase your experience in Windows 7. This device replaces the Windows Mail and allows you to email, instant message, edit photos, blogs, etc.

HomeGroup allows you to connect two or more PCs on a home network to easily share and access files and printers.

Windows Touch
You can use Windows Touch with touch screen PC to browse and flip through the screen using your fingers with multitouch technology.

Streaming Media Remote
With Streaming Media Remote you can access music, pictures and videos stored on your home PC remotely using the Internet.

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