Saturday, May 29, 2010

Some features windows 7

Windows 7 by Microsoft some time ago it was exhibited at the Professional Developers Conference a conference for developers. Now, in the event, windows 7 exhibited and in test capabilities. Here are some important points of the test.

Faster and More Stable than Vista

Windows 7 has a performance that is more stable than windows vista. Seven is also more responsive and more efficient in the use of batteries. Although there has been no official statement regarding the minimum specifications to be able to use Windows 7, but Steve Sinofsky (patch on Steve Ballmer yes ..) states windows 7 only requires a minimum of 1Gb memory allocation only.

Choosing a Wireless Network Only with one click from the system tray

Here's one of the important facilities of Windows 7. A more practical steps in selecting a wireless network. Amit Hayoo who have been puzzled to connect to the wireless laptop? Must enter the control panel is, into the network connection, and so on before they can connect to wireless networks.

There will be a warning if anything changed with your computer

I have experienced confusion when my younger brother who was 7 years old playing my laptop, and uninstalling one of the programs I normally use. I been looking for why not see ya .. ups, it was already in the uninstall .. Now, features seven windows on this one to prevent confusion with the problems you are experiencing as I was saying. System will report if there is a change to your computer. You will get a warning when the system has changed and you can also setting the level of privacy. Ranging from "tell me everything" to "do not tell me squad"

Missing Sidebar, Gadgets flying

One of the things that distinguishes windows vista with the windows Xp is the sidebar. It contains a sidebar gadget-gadgets and accessories for your computer. In Windows 7, the sidebar is missing. But, the gadget-gadget is still there, you are free to roam as you wish.

Library Will Collecting System with the same Type

I never have a problem with my files in My Document messy. I am confused about one college assignment files that must be gathered. Forced me to look at all the folders that exist in my document. Understandably, I forgot where laid. Well, this problem also seems to be understood by making Windows 7. Their new features, among others, the library will organize your document based on type. No matter where situated. All the pdf document for example. though it is located in D: / in my Document, or in any location will be organized by the library widows 7.

And .. of course there are many other features available on seven windows. It's just for those of you who have been using MAC or LINUX, these features are already there. As gadget-gadgets around, this feature already exists in the MAC (I forget where the first series to offer this feature).

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