Friday, June 11, 2010

Backup Registry in Windows 7

More often the tooling fiddle with Windows, the more critical changes in the system registry. If you wanted to backup, how can the most appropriate step?

Tips Changes must occur in the system registry in Windows each time you install or remove a program. Occasionally, you also often make manual changes to the system registry. Before doing so, it is advisable to backup the existing registry system. This proved necessary because the manual changes you make are very vulnerable cause problems that lead to instability of Windows systems.

The process of registry backup system is very easy. To begin, call the Registry Editor window through the shortcut keys [WINDOWS] + [R] and then type 'regedit' and press the "OK". Through the Registry Editor window, you can backup the system registry in two ways. The first mode, right-click icon on the line "Computer" and select "Export" and the second way, ie open the menu "File" and select the context menu "Export". After that, specify the location and name of a registry backup file you want.

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