Friday, June 4, 2010

Changing Background of Windows 7 Logon


Users of Windows 7 can change the background image at the logon screen appears, such as the logon screen of Windows 7  on top.
How? Users of Windows 7 could use a free application called "Windows 7 Logon Thoosje Editor."
Thoosje Windows 7 Logon Editor is an application that allows you to change the logon screen of Windows 7 which is also equipped with a large collection of background images of Windows 7 Logon screen, 3D Windows logo and a variety of themes from many movies, automobiles and others.
You can also choose your own picture collection to be used as background images / background Windows Logon Screen using a freeware that this one is equipped with a built-in controls to ensure the images used do not exceed the limit of 246KB for Windows 7 is the maximum image logon screen. Windows 7 Logon Editor also has a preview option so you can see the changes first before sure to use it.

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