Thursday, June 17, 2010

Error Repair on Windows 7 with FixWin Utility

Often when we remove the application, we leave the files 'rest' in the registry. This causes the performance of Windows becomes slower or even Windows to be an error. FixWin Utility is a freeware that will help you overcome the problem. FixWin Utility v 1.1 size only 529 kb so it is very light to run. Besides, with its portable, making this application you can take them anywhere, via flash, hard drives and the like.

FixWin Utility can fix 50 common mistakes that often occur. In the interface problem solution is divided into several categories, namely: Windows Explorer, Internet & Connectivity, Windows Media, System Tools & Misc Additional Fixes.
You must create a restore point first before running the application, after it is run, you can start scanning your computer to check for errors in your computer. This application has been tested for both Windows Vista and Windows 7 version 32 bit and 64 bit.


 Download Fix Win Utility

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