Monday, July 18, 2011

How to cope with "USB Device not Recognized"

whether the USB on Windows XP, Vista or 7 is in trouble, so it does not recognize USB device? If so, there's an easy trick that might help.

In general, the reason the USB drive does not work is the cache file to your device get corrupted / error. If you have problems when installing on the device and all of a sudden your USB device stops working, you can delete the cache files that device and it will enable the USB ports working again.

Cache file contains the drivers for this device from all devices that have been linked before, including your USB devices that are considered defective (not Recognized). If the cache is damaged all the USB devices will stop working.

You simply remove the INF (Setup Information file) is long, and you do not have to bother to make the INF file because this file will automatically be re-created when the device will be connected to USB. If you feel uncomfortable deleting system files, simply rename it.

The steps are:

    1. Open Windows Explorer
    2. Then open the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ DriverStore
    3. Rename the file INFCACHE.1 be INFCACHE.old

If you are finished renaming the file, please restart your komupter and connect the USB device (ex. stick) you. Hopefully your USB back to work. If the problem persists, please leave your comments.

This step can you try the previous version of Windows OS.

May be useful.

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